Student Stories 


IanSweeney2Ian Sweeney.  Ian graduated with a BA (Hons) Theology degree in 2016. 
I am so pleased that I experienced WLA and Springdale college. The friends and support I encountered during my time at WLA has been invaluable. WLA provided a close network of support which enabled me to enjoy my studies at Springdale college. The learning I received at Springdale college was a hugely enjoyable and developed my understanding of theology in ways I had not previously considered. Overall, I am grateful for for the time I spent at WLA and Springdale college and I feel equipped to following God's calling on my life. 

Grahame Todd.  Hands On & First Year BA (Hons) Student in 2019.
My life has taken a dramatic turn around since getting involved with the WLA. First, I was involved in the Hands On course, then felt that I was being called to attend ForMission College to study for the BA (Hons) degree in 'Theology, Mission, & Ministry'. I was reminded of the cost of following Jesus when in taking this path I enrolled for the course, gave my notice in to my workplace, and put my house up for sale in the same day, before having my interview and being accepted on the course within the week. When God has a plan, he doesn’t delay!  The study has been amazing and challenging but the camaraderie with my fellow students has been invaluable and I have built lots of close relationships already.

Karen Sprouse.  Hands On & First Year BA (Hons) Student in 2019.
The WLA's 'Hands On' course has been the perfect stepping stone for me on to a three year BA (Hons) degree course in 'Theology, Mission, & Ministry'.  Having just completed year one of the BA course, I can see how the two 'Hands On' years have helped me to source good study materials, expand my knowledge and understanding and, most helpfully, to write an essay that shows understanding and learning.  It has been amazing to discover an aptitude and ability that I previously did not know I had and believe God can use in the future.

Beth Lunn.  Hands On Student, Graduated in 2018.
'Hands On' means a lot to me, because it was developed at a time in my life that I knew I needed to get serious about studying the Bible to help, but I was busy with work and so could only commit to a programme once a month. So the 'Hands On' team were able to give me what I needed to progress in my learning journey, which has also informed my worship. 'Hands On' helps me express truths I learn about God with coherence everywhere I go. I will always be thankful for the team investing their time and resources in me, I know I’ve grown close to God and understood more about the story of the Bible because of the sessions.