The Bonhoeffer Project
Through its WLA training academy, Bethel Church is now the UK hub for the Bonhoeffer Project which seeks to transform church culture towards disciple making.
Become a Disciple Making Leader
Disciples who make disciples = world revolution!
Do you want disciple making to be the norm rather than the exception at your church or organisation? To equip your leaders to become whole-life disciples who make disciples? This is not another programme to bolt into your busy schedule but a quiet revolution that seeks world change.
Through cohorts full of like minded people, the Bonhoeffer Project challenges, questions, and creates tension to look at how every area of life can become a disciple making opportunity. We are all really busy and who has the time for another programme? What this does is encourage a lifestyle change so no longer are you a leader with a discipleship programme but a disciple making leader. Discipleship isn't a sprint or even a marathon but a relay where the baton is passed on and on creating a perpetual cycle of disciple making.
True Disciple Making as it was designed to be in Scripture has the potential to transform lives, transform churches, transform our cities and transform our nation one person at a time.
Rather than just offer a resource we want to partner with churches here in the UK by offering leader training through cohorts of church leaders. This is a year long process of learning and mentoring in community to change the DNA of disciple making in our churches across the country. The Bonhoeffer Project is designed to bring clarity to the process and help your church to become a Disciple Making Community.
For more information about how you can be involved and join one of our UK cohorts, email You can also find out more about The Bonhoeffer Project by visiting the UK website: