Our Courses
Equipping God’s people for works of service (Ephesians 4:11-13) is at the heart of everything that the WLA does and all of our courses, training and seminars are designed to do just that.
Whether it is studying for the BA (Hons) in Theology, Mission and Ministry through ForMission College (and awarded by Newman University), enrolling on our two year Hands On course one Saturday a month, or joining us on a year long journey with The Bonhoeffer Project, you will be equipped to be the best you can be for God’s service.
Graduates from both courses have gone into a vast range of roles from full-time ministry across the UK to new roles and enhanced works of service where they already are. Please take a look at our Student Stories page for testimonies from our alumni.
Details and links to these courses are on the right of this page – please do take a look, download the relevant prospectus and contact us at hello@wlacademy.org.uk, where we would be happy to discuss your learning needs and how God might be leading you.